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A member registered Jun 10, 2021

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Ooooh I got it. Thank u.

Wait, I thought it was going to be a Shoichi update, since the last one was supost to be Jun... right? Not that I mind that is gonna be a Jun route, I just want a update as soon as possible, Im dying (my english is so...)

Or he could improve his cooking skills and, maybe, become a chef, because he already shown us that he likes to cook. There some possibilities to his route. (Sorry, my english is very basic and bad)

Where can I find this guide please?


OMG! Thank youuuu so much for this masterpiece. Dont worry about being late to post the updates, we'll always be waiting here. Hope you resolve every issue you have. By the way, this is my favorite VN, so I'm very excited to play this new update. 


I hope everything is fine. He really doesn't need to apologize, he have his own personal issues and private life...

Don'y worry monchimutt. Take all the time you need. We'll be waiting till everything is done.

I agree with you. Their interaction is so good to see. But I don't mind the age difference at all. 

Happy holidayys! Hope you all are happy

Omg! Hope everything ok! But don't worry, we don't mind wait a little longer for the updates. Just stay safe and healthy. 

Is there any difference if I choose take him to the doctor?

Finallyyyyyy. I can rest in peace now...


I think Saya would definitely win 

We all need pouting Shoichi. I really like this.

Someone alive? Every day I comeback here to see if there any update




Unfortunaly no. Or at least not yet


That's fine. Don't need apologize. Its not your fault or anyone.

I'm gonna cry😭 i just want the update

I don't think so

Hard to choose... but i think Saya is who i like the most. I really like her sense of humor and personality

I hope this game takes some time to finish. It's just that I like the story and the narrative so much that it makes me sad to think that this game will end sometime.

When the next update?

I fell in love with this game so hard that I might get sick. Hope you doing better. Stay safe everyone.

My favorite character is Angus for sure

Me either. I had to play the game from the beginning because none of the saves loaded.

This is my moment. I can't wait to play this update. 

ps: this is my favorite route, that's why I am so exited.